Identity design for Lumiere Restaurant and EcoShop, Panampilly Nagar, Cochin.
Menu Cards designed for SeaGrill Restaurant is marked by evaocative photography.
Signage design for Lumiere plays with modern materials, yet evoking an old-world charm.
Lumiere's Website has been designed to be informative, elegant and in tune with their philosophy.
Brochures designed for Lumiere convey their messages in a consistent, non-preachy manner.  

Lumiere News was printed as a newspaper to make an impact among Cochinites about the Restaurant and its unique offerings.
The first issue coincided with the Fish Mela being conducted in their SeaGrill Restaurant and had interesting information about Fish, Fish dishes and related trivia. With ample ad-support a large number of copies of the publication was printed and distributed.
The second issue of Lumiere News is being planned focussing on Organic Food.